The EFAA for SMEs Council was held on 12 December 2023, it was an essential moment to address key issues for EFAA member organisations and SMPs.
Chaired by President Salvador Marin, the meeting gathered all the EFAA members. President Marín set the tone by emphasizing, during his opening remarks, the importance of collaborating and sharing best practices among the members. The agenda included topics relevant for SMPs such as the growing importance of sustainability reporting and of the new standard for audits less complex entities.
The attractiveness of the accountancy profession was also discussed, with a specific focus on the branding of Small- and Medium-Sized Accountancy Practices (SMPs).
A noteworthy highlight of the event was the participation of keynote speaker Bruce Vivian, who joined the discussion via Teams. Mr. Vivian provided valuable insights on international educations standards and sustainability. He shed light on the role of education in fostering sustainability practices within the accountancy sector.
Throughout the meeting, members actively exchanged ideas, addressing challenges and opportunities faced by the profession and in particular by SMPs.