Promoting Professional Standards

Providing regular and timely input to the European and international standard-setting process in order to help ensure the stability, relevance, scalability and proportionality of European and international professional standards for SMEs and SMPs.

EFAA’s Accounting and Tax Expert Group (Acc&TaxEG) and Assurance Expert Group (AssEG) meet regularly to develop responses to public consultations and exposure drafts, as well as interventions at meetings and events, relating to new and revised European and international professional standards. Professional standards include those in relation to financial and sustainability reporting, audit and assurance, ethics, and quality management.

Below is the archive of events and of responses to public exposure and consultations policy positions and responses to public consultations and exposure drafts, primarily to the EFRAG, IAASB, IASB, and IESBA, is here. A compendium of all key positions, including those relating to European and international professional standards, is available here.

The Acc&TaxEG is chaired by Richard Martin, EFFA Special Adviser and the members are listed here.

The AssEG is chaired by Paul Thompson, EFAA for SMEs Technical Director and the members are listed here.

EFAA Replies to the IAASB’s ISA240 Exposure Draft (Revised)
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EFAA Replies to the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) International Ethics Standards for Sustainability Assurance (IESSA) ED
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EFAA Replies to the VSME ED Public Consultation Questionnaire 2024
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EFAA responds to the Exposure Draft of proposed International Standard on Sustainability Assurance Engagements (ISSA) 5000
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Webinar – The Future of Sustainability Assurance: Ensuring that the Standards are Scalable
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EFAA replies to the IAASB’s Proposed International Standard on Auditing 570 (Revised 202X) Going Concern and Proposed Conforming and Consequential Amendments to Other ISAs (ED-570)
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EFAA Responds to International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) Consultation on Agenda Priorities
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EFAA Comments on Draft ESRS Delegated Act
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EFAA Comments the Proposed IESBA Strategy and Work Plan, 2024-2027
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EFAA Responds to the IESBA Exposure Draft Proposed Revisions to the Code Addressing Tax Planning and Related Services 
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EFAA provides comments to the IAASB’s Proposed Part 10, Audits of Group Financial Statements of the proposed ISA for LCE (Part 10 ED)
EFAA responds to the IAASB’s Proposed ISA 500 (Revised) Audit Evidence